Tami's version of Our Adventures through India, SouthEast Asia + Beyond

Monday, January 30, 2006

Highs and Lows

In just 3 days we've ventured from the highest point in Texas (Guadalupe Peak) to Carlsbad Caverns (800 feet below) to White Sands (again). Views, views, views AND surreal landscapes! Here are the highlights...

Guadalupe Mountains - High desert scenery with great hiking + cool fossils. Panoramic views from the peak.

Carlsbad Caverens - WOW! I didn't have much expectation for this, but it left me slack-jawed. Spent an ENTIRE day touring through HUGE, high-ceilinged, highly-decorated caves after entering down through the natural entrance (recommmended).

White Sands - Deserved more time, so we went back and spent an intensely-colored sunset, night under the stars + sunrise amidst the dunes

Here's a "link" to more photos


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