Tami's version of Our Adventures through India, SouthEast Asia + Beyond

Saturday, June 17, 2006

What We're Missing

Yes, I will admit, not working and travelling around the World is pretty freaking cool! We know that we're EXTREMELY fortunate to be in the position to be able to do this. Every day feels like a gift and we try to make the most of each and every one. It feels important to me to try and communicate these experiences to inspire all of you to get out and travel too, for as long as you can find the time to do it. Yes, the U.S. counts, even though I firmly believe travelling in the Third World will do ALOT to broaden your horizons and it's something EVERYONE should do.

The flip side is that there is alot we're missing out on at home. Many of you have been doing a GREAT job of keeping us up-to-date on your lives - Sending photos, e-mails, e-vites, news links. There are so many BIG events we've missed out on already - New babies, new jobs, new homes. It's difficult knowing that we can't be there for encouragement, the joy + the tears... let alone dinner parties + dancing! So suffice to say, we think of you often and appreciate the continued encouragement flowing this direction, and we'll continue to do our best to return the favor :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

T & D,

We miss you too and I think about you often. It is good to hear from you and be inspired by your travels. Hopefully on the back end I'll meet up with you if you decide to go back to India.

Much love, CJ

2:29 PM

Blogger Tami said...

Thanks sweetie, that'd be wonderful! We'll also let everyone know once we're actually settled down + "living" somewhere (most likely Southeast Asia). For now, we're still enjoying our "vacation" time :) Hope all's well with you.

6:04 AM


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